Proposal for Unconference Evening Project Presentation

Scratch2015AMS Forums Scratch2015Ams Bulletin Board Self-Organized Sessions Proposal for Unconference Evening Project Presentation

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  cobie 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1155


    If everything works out fine during the next weeks, I’d like to present a simple out-of-the-box Scratch robot with nothing else than LEGO WeDo, Picoboard, Scratch 2.0 and a tablet. No exotic boards, no PCB soldering.
    Enough positive feedback given, I’ll try to increase my efforts on this project during my summer holidays.
    CU @ Scratch2015AMS, Frank



    Hi Frank,
    This looks very interesting. Lots of makers will be on the conference so yes to increasing your efforts on this project during your summer holidays.

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